BS - College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

Natural Resources Science and Management (Forest Resources)

The Natural Resource Science and Management degree with an emphasis in Forest Resources expands the knowledge base in fire ecology, silviculture, and forest stand dynamics in order for graduates to better address the challenges of managing forest resources in the 21st Century. Students with a degree in Natural Resource Science and Management with an emphasis in Forest Resources will be accredited by the Society of American Foresters and may find employment as community foresters, consulting foresters, ecologists, and resource foresters.

Photo by Kyle Spradley, CAFNR Marketing and Communications

This is an emphasis area of the following major:

This major has the following additional emphasis areas:

Common Career Paths

You can do nearly anything with a Mizzou degree, but here are some common career paths taken by graduates of this major:

Interested? Here are your next steps

If you are a Prospective Student

You strive to be the best version of you. You are ready to create your own adventure. If this sounds like you—you’ve got Tiger Pride already. We invite you to take the next step.

If you are a Current Student

Speaking with an adviser will help us chart the best path for academic success.