Statistics is a modern science concerned with making decisions and inferences from empirical data subject to random variability and error. It deals with designing experiments, sample surveys, summarizing numerical information, building and analyzing statistical models, prediction and choosing between alternate actions. Statistics can tell us how much safer it is to fly than drive, the odds of winning the lottery, our life expectancy and who is likely to win the next election. The BA in Statistics allows students to pursue either a traditional track or an applied track. Students who are interested in graduate study are strongly encouraged to follow the traditional track. All students are encouraged to supplement their work in statistics with courses from areas such as economics, biology, accounting, finance, marketing, management, psychology, sociology, engineering, agriculture and atmospheric science. Because of its importance as a scientific method, the demand for trained statisticians has grown in education, medicine, government, business and industry as well as in the biological, social and physical sciences. Students are trained to meet this demand and develop careers in teaching and research.
Common Career Paths
You can do nearly anything with a Mizzou degree, but here are some common career paths taken by graduates of this major: