The Biomedical Engineering undergraduate degree program offers four tracks from which our students can develop their primary expertise: bioinformatics, biomedical imaging and instrumentation, biomaterials, and biomechanics. In collaboration with colleagues from the School of Medicine, the College of Veterinary Medicine, the College of Health Sciences, the Sinclair School of Nursing, the Honors College, and the College of Engineering, we develop students into engineering leaders with skills in creative and critical thinking, problem-solving, innovation, engineering design, communication, entrepreneurship, and team-building. Our award-winning faculty offer exceptional classes and research experiences for our students, and our flexible, tracked curriculum integrates easily with the pre-medicine and Honors Certificate programs, as well as a number of accelerated plans to earn a bachelor's plus a master's degrees at MU.
Biomedical engineering is a science-based engineering discipline that integrates engineering and biomedical sciences in one curriculum. The MU biomedical engineering program is a broad-based curriculum that prepares students for careers in traditional engineering as well as medicine, veterinary medicine, law, health care, policy, and academics. Biomedical engineering graduates are hired by biotechnology, medical, and pharmaceutical companies, as well as by government agencies and major research laboratories. Many of our undergraduate students attend graduate, medical, or law schools post-graduation. Graduates are well-prepared to take the Fundamentals of Engineering exam during their senior year, which is the first step toward obtaining a Professional Engineer license; many additionally take the MCAT, the LSAT, and the GRE in preparation for their graduate or professional studies.
Common Career Paths
You can do nearly anything with a Mizzou degree, but here are some common career paths taken by graduates of this major: