Anthropology is the study of the entire human experience, from our primate roots to our globalized present. Anthropology at MU emphasizes scientific approaches to the study of human biology, behavior, culture, and evolution. Anthropology majors are required to take core courses in all three focal areas of the discipline (archaeology, biological anthropology, and cultural anthropology) but may concentrate in one or more of these fields. The degree offers three specialized tracks of study for students who want a closer fit between the major and future employment or post-baccalaureate training: Health & Human Biology, Archaeology & Heritage, and Culture & Human Ecology. Students are not required to choose a track and these do not appear on diplomas or transcripts. Students have opportunities to become involved in research, helping them develop creativity, enhance critical thinking skills, solve problems and improve their writing. Undergraduate training in anthropology also prepares students for work in government (both in the United States and abroad), museum positions, and field positions in archaeology, ethnography, human paleontology, or forensics. It may also provide students with the opportunity to enter graduate school leading towards an academic career teaching and conducting anthropological research at a university. A degree in anthropology also provides students with the background to pursue careers in business, journalism, health care, law, and many other fields.
Photo by Shane Epping, Mizzou Creative
Common Career Paths
You can do nearly anything with a Mizzou degree, but here are some common career paths taken by graduates of this major: